Just Transitions

Enormous amounts of wealth are tied up in economic activities that are not likely to play a significant role in reliable prosperity. Many people perceive a significant stake for themselves — personally and economically — in perpetuating the status quo.

The uneven distribution of poverty

Allocations of resources in the current economy depend on a complex set of historical circumstances. First Nations in British Columbia are actively fighting for recognition of traditional territories currently under control of the provincial government. Farmers along the Snake River and in the Klamath River Basin have based their investment decisions for generations on the availability of affordable water. Fossil fuel use has been predicated on the perceived ability to emit unlimited quantities of carbon dioxide into the air at no charge.

Reliable Prosperity requires a vast shift in investments and resources to redress historical injustices and lay the foundation for a Materials Cycles, Resource Efficiency, Renewable Energy, and Social Equity society. The key issue is how to make a just transition from the current economy to reliable prosperity. First Nations and other groups suffering from historical injustice need the opportunity to negotiate fair restitution and regain sufficient resources to meet their needs. Individuals and businesses invested in unsustainable practices require a viable exit strategy, allowing them to bring their skills and assets to new uses in reliable prosperity.

A just transitions strategy implies that no one is left behind in designing a pathway to reliable prosperity. Those most invested in activities inconsistent with reliable prosperity should be given fair compensation for their holdings and provided new opportunities. This allows communities to shift from the divisive question of "Why make any changes?" to "What would it take for each member of the community to embrace change?"

Leadership on just transitions has been provided by the Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers Union. Beginning in the early 1990s, the union recognized the declining role of many of its core occupations and gave its members job retraining, preparing them for work in new fields. In another instance, substantial federal assistance was given to displaced forest workers in the Northwest during the 1990s, giving them new skills in restoration and related fields.

Redeploy skills and assets from the current economy to reliable prosperity, offering training and compensation where necessary. Redress historical injustices through transparent dialogue and negotiation.